Thursday, June 14, 2007

Galloping towards death with great courage

Red paint spilling from the heavens
Musicians playing naatai
a raaga eliciting strength and valour
a tide of soldiers marching with a roar
the chariots rolling down the battle field with an aura
Having crossed the magnanimous oceans and deserts
comes batalions filled with hopes of returning home

The tall and handsome soldiers
trained to be sharp and alert
they face their enemies with all their acumen
galloping towards death with great courage

Enemies clad in black armours
Look like the Satants from the hell
when hove beats fast approach their territory
their hearts beat twice as fast as normal

The clinging of the swords begin
enormous fear creeps within
The warriors heart beating twice as fast
as if a majic spell was cast

Not aware of what for they are battling
their shilhoutes just rattling
batalion after batalion they defeat
Just adhering to the cheermen's drum beat
Galloping towards death with great courage

shanoy starts to play in the empire from where they hail
Loosing their lives for their ceasar along the enemy's trail
Galloping towards death with great courage

The puisant walks along the tracks of the battle field
Seeing all the bloodshed and
realisation dawns
"how invaluable the life of each soldier is?"
"How badly could a small decision affect so many?"

The knights angel struts along the streets of the empire
celebrating the glory of the Puisant's Might
tears of joy roll down her eyes
when she hears the news of his arrival

The life of the soldier's angels , now filled with black paint
it appears to them as if
the thunder storm has just begun
their hearts so heavy just like the readytorain clouds
tears flowing perenially
minds filled with fear
Groping in the dark
they walk holding a misleading stick!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

macchaan..nice try..but needs to be more shorter....and lots of sophistication