Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wake Up Sid

I may not be able to claim that, the director has chosen a new concept or the screen play was amazing. It is a mundane story, a lazy boy becoming a successful man, well knit around the main two characters of the film. What makes this movie so special is the setting, camera work, colors, art direction, the couple's chemistry and inspiring music. Shankar Eshan loy have cast their magic charm again on the film.. the movie has both light and heavy moments, the gaps of which is superbly filled by the music. Aaj kal Zindagi and Iktara have the trio's touch in it. The remix version of the Wake up Sid was placed really well in the story. Shankar's rendering as fresh as it was when he came out Breathless, makes the album special. On the whole Wake up Sid is a good entertainer... A new combination of stars, a good attempt by the debutant director Ayan Mukherji....

Forgot to mention, Ranbir's T-shirts were awesome and really really cool... I am trying to find them here...

Watch it and enjoy...

PS: do not expect logic to kick in at any portion of the film...