Sunday, March 25, 2007

louisville -will to live....

Fun completely depends on the kind of people you are with and not on how great the place is.I am glad that I am part of a wonderful group of people, who are the best when it comes to fun and the most serious when it comes to their duty.They are a few people who have great composure, always on high spirits and who are highly enthusiastic.
Planned a trip to Louisville on a bright and sunny sunday.It was a lot of fun.The best part was the excitement of going to a temple in the United states.I was elated to see a God with different names under the same roof.
The fun actually started after that.Went to a Desi restaurant to hog.We targeted one person for kalai, she is a sweet jeevan...paaavam....
travelled a little while to a place called Ohio river water fall.We had 2 hours of adventure, climbing a trunk which was very slippery.One wrong foot would have hung our lives in limbo.Jeopardizing our lives was kind of fun.....
We drove back home after having a cup of coffee....highly exhausted, with our thoughts back into the work thats due the next day and plans for the next week....
Hope we have the same excitement and ethu all our lives.....

Friday, March 09, 2007

All that glitters is not gold
A diamond does not glitter when extracted!

Every one needs time to hone their skills to shine like the diamond! Judge, not at first meeting!

Friday, February 09, 2007


What an irony, both exist at the same time.I have been suffering from cold and my body temperature shot up.It is quiet irritating.The previous day was very long and strenuous.I had to get back to my lab in the noon yesterday.The cold lead to watering of eyes, which is really very irksome.The temperature shoot added to body pains and exhaustion.But this noon when I was walking back home, I realised that the weather was really harsh at the same time the sun was shining bright and beautiful giving all of us a ray of hope.
I was thrilled by my perspective.You need to experience both in order to relish and experience the best of both.

I am writing this when I am suffering with cold, so pls dont mind if it does not make sense.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Your "FATE" could get "FATAL"

One debatable topic which strikes to my mind right now is Fate. Some times I get upset about statements people around me make.People say, I worked really hard, I never got the result.I did not get what I wanted, I did not get to where I wanted to be. This again, narrows down to one point.How much did you want to get to that point.How strongly have you felt, "yes, this is the place I want to be in."How many of us have thought about what we want.Observe when we communicate, how many negative words we use, infact many a time, we are intent upon claiming what we dont want.We make it clear to the others what we dont like,what in this world is bad, all negatives that the society has done to us.

Infact I remember, having heard Dr.Abdul kalam say, When we are given 10 minutes for our Nation"We say the Government has not laid the roads properly, The Government does not clean the drains, the Government does not keep the city clean, the Government does not do anything to avoid accidents." What have we done for it?

All of us dream, we dream of what we want to be, they are not called "Goals" as long you write it down is a piece of paper.You know why writing a journal or a diary is a good Habit? The scientists say that there is an uncanny connection between hand and the brain.What ever we jot down, we would remember for a longer time.So when you make yours "Goals" better write down.Your, goals and ideals will be achieved, depending on how emotionally you get attached to your goals.Let work be worship.Bhagawatgita says, "Nishkarma karma" produces the best results, I may not appreciate the saying, because,how would you act without knowing what you want? So you are the soul proprietor of your achievements. Dream big, Imagine big, make it big.
Let this be the policy of life, and certainly one day, we will all be "Big"what we wanted to be. posted by nick @ 4:50 PM 2 comments

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I am loving It!
Its been a real long day for me, a day full of activities.I have learnt many new things, I have placed one step ahead in my life.I have put in some effort.I hope to keep up my parents hopes.I am happy, I am having a great time.Its been real long week end.I liked it because it was long, but it was too long, the weekend almost made me lazy, though my energy got rejuvenated, I was apprehensive that I would become lazy. I wasted all the three days, did nothing but watched a few movies.Now the school has reopened, I am glad.I like busy days, I love hardships, I love sweating out, I love activity, I love moving around, Love to think, Love to listen, Love to run, Love to climb, Love to move a step ahead every moment of my life.It gives a feeling of accomplishment, a feeling of satisfaction, a joy that I would not find in a laziness, not a joy that you get when I am on a vacation.I am loving my life, full of work.

You know guys, Every positive statement we make, makes us positive.Every single statement is affirmative, every statements drives into our subconscious mind the idea of life. Every time you reinstate that you love your life, you feel its true, the statement need not be true all the time.Once in a while when we say that with all your energy, we feel better, we feel that we are born with a purpose.Each day we live, has a purpose.May be one breath that we exhale here is being used by one leaf of a tree for its photosynthesis, thus feeding itself,inturn we are also responsible for creating a greener world.Infact there are possibilities for one breath of yours to cause a Tornado some where else.World is filled with energy, so every action leads to a result.
When some involuntary actions can cause some positive changes in the world around you, Can you imagine what kind of effects your positive energy would create, and what kind of positive results your energy could produce?

Love every action you perform, do everything with enthusiasm, act passionately, you will produce extraordinary results.

I am loving my life.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Learn The A,B,C Of Life!!!

This always sounded funny.My aunt keeps saying that every day.She says (A)lways (B)e (C)areful.
Each time she told me I used to laugh it off. Never took it seriously.She used to keep emphasising on this point for various reasons and for different contexts.

Each time I go to college, she says be careful on the roads, please have patience.Its fine if you miss the bus.It is very important to be safe.She has a point here.If you feel you cant miss classes that day, see to it you reach the bus stop early.So please take appropriate steps on time.This would certaily help you grow in life.

Each time I choose to travel by my bike, she cautions me, (A)lways (B)e (C)areful.I laugh it off, I say if I am destined to lose my life I will lose it any where.She said, its important that you are careful.Its the value you give to your life.

I had great regards for my aunt, so I atleast thought about these statements.She kept telling me, be careful when you spend money, spend time on something other than your priority, you need to know your limits.

One day I chose not to listen to her.I said I am going to be as careless as possible.I was actually into a project which was very interesting, so I had to go to different places to get the work done.I took my friend's bike and left.It was a week before my visa interview. I finished my work, was driving back home.I was a lil rash and over took a Bus(pallavan). One guy was crossing the road, which i realised only after I over took the bus.I had to brake other wise I would have banged that pedastrian.I fell right in front of the bus, for the brakes had discs.I was really lucky, the driver was slow.He stopped.

That day I realised how important it was to be careful.So I would say that A B C of life is jus nothing but Always Be Careful.

SO I would emphasise on the same thing boys and girls.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Pride and prejudice?

There are a few things that I love doing.Making a lot of friends, expressing as much as possible.I dont care, you mind or you dont. I like something about you, I would rather tell you straight.I say I like your company if I feel good when I talk to you.I care only if I feel I am going to harm you by anychance.Please understand one thing, gals and boys.To express is not wrong, as long as it is going to be compliments.If you are going to criticise, be cautious.
I love people. I love friends.I love building on networks.In my past there were many people who have avoided me, many people who have taken me for granted.Infact many a time I have felt dejected, I have learnt to live in this beautiful world with such unique treatments.I will still continue loving people and friends.There were times when I went to the extent of going and telling people around me that their company makes me feel great, they have certainly ignored me.Because what happens by expressing is, you become cheap, you are of lesser value to them now that you have eulogsed them.I still will continue expressing, thats an asset God has given me.
One day in life when they are dejected, they might just think of some statement or some praise that they have got from me, which would make them feel great.
So gals and boys, dont feel bad to express.If you express to a gal that she looks good does not mean you are in love with her, if a gal comes and tells a boy , hey you look handsome, does not mean she has a crush on you.
Its jus that they felt like expressing, take it as a compliment, feel good for the moment, keep moving in your life.Please see to it you avoid no one,may be you are avoiding one of the best sofware engineers in the world, one best foot ball player, or some great leader.
You could be missing some one, some ones contact, some ones love, some ones care, some ones friendship, you could be missing some one who would have meant everything to you.
So coming to the point again,say you dont like something, if you are uncomfortable, please dont avoind that person and confuse issues.

I would love, if the world is full of positives, great ideas, and not prejudices and jealousy, and hatered.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Come 'u' negate

This is how the confusion all begins. Suppose you dont communicate properly then you see the result.It makes things really worse if you dont choose to communicate properly.You communicate to express what you feel and not to impress people. After having read a lot of books one of my Gurus, my real father, says , it is very essential to express and make things clear. We should not confuse issues.This blog will help us know the use of positives thoughts and positive siuggestions.

This hot topic of how best you can use your language to communicate what you want to is under serious research.People have gone to the extant of programing the neurons so that proper communication takes place between two people.It is really interesting to note a lot of quarrels and squables start just because of misunderstanding.Why would this occur when the person speaking has no wrong intention at all?no intention to hurt the other?is it because he does not give proper pauses, proper exclaimations?

Now let me put all statements in positives.
You know its very important and vital to communicate properly.You achieve great results by doing so.You have the opportunity to establish good raport.It is a great learning experience.You could make things clear to the other person.Issues could be easily solved.

Look at this and the first paragraph.Do you notice a lot of difference.The first one looks so scary and so negative and feels communication is a bad topic to discuss, where as the previous one makes you feel good about communicating.It rather sounds like a suggestion.

Our subconscience state of mind is always alert and grasps everything given to it.It is like a sponge that absorbs water.So when we give suggestions we have to be careful, when we speak to a child, we must be even more careful, because they do not have any restriction for inputs, only when the child grows, he or she becomes aware of things and choose what kind of inputs they would take.So if any wrong suggestion is given to a child, the thought would linger in his mind and one day thought will be converted into action.

You tell a child, oh my dear boy,dont touch the vessel it will be hot and you will get hurt.You would stay with him to safe gaurd him.One day circumstances prevail and you are forced to leave your son near the vessel, the child would certainly test.He would realise the heat only after experiencing it.Instead give him the same suggestion in a different way,say you could as well lift the vessel and help me after ten minutes.He would certainly wait longer than he did before.

There are so many examples, that can be given to explain, what suggestions could do to the behaviour of any God's creation.I shall write about this even further.

Lets all think positive, emenate positive energy, develope positive attitude,develope a positive environment and therefore help in the growth of a positive world.