Thursday, November 1, 2007

Make your choice, want to be God or Devil?

Do you know it is true?
Just bring in a new born fish(jillo), bring it to your acquarium,and fix a barrier across Jillo's path.For the first few days of the week, he comes hits himself against the barrier and then returns.He comes till the barrier hoping to cross it.Over a period of time, he gets so much used to the distance he has traveled, he never even imagines to travel further.Now remove the barrier, Jillo returns at the place where the barrier was placed before.

Lets talk about an elephant,(bui bui)
A baby elephant is tied to a strong piece of wood with a chain.When he tries to move, he cannot because the chain is too strong for him to break open.Over a period of time, he gets used to it and stays there.Even after he grows, huge, hefty and strong he does not break open the chain.He still feels that the chain is strong for him.His thoughts are conditioned.

Why I took so much time to expatiate this is, to make it clear how thoughts can be conditioned.
So only if you believe, you will perform.

So are we and the society.
The society is like the chain or the barrier across.Every move we make to progress there is some one around you trying to say you are not really good at it, you are bad, you have no option but to struggle,why dont you try that? This is really not your cup of tea.OOOOOOps how many limiting thoughts, have I dumped in this paragraph.
There is some one who says hey, you know what, I tried doing it all the while, I have never been able to do it, so dont bother about trying it.

I always remember to mention Thomas Alva Edison.He is a phenomenon, he has proved to be a genius.His statement lingers in my head, when ever some one says "cannot".When had failed 9999 times in the course of finding an electric bulb, he was asked by the media about what he felt about all his failures, he said"I found 9999 ways,how not to make an electric bulb".This is a clich'e, but still, I don't want to miss an opportunity to put forth this point.

Enzo Ferarri was also told that he was not fit to be a part of automobile industry.I am glad you all know who he is.

McDonalds, Walt Disney, Einstein, Bill Gates, The dabba walas, Sir CV Raman, Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, all these people are just a very few I have read about. I am sure, there would be n number of such people in this world, who would have made it to the pinnacle of glory even after being suppressed by the society.

I just want to make one point clear, we are society when we let down some one, and we are phenomenons when we inspire some one.Its all within you and what you want to be is your choice.


Rohit Bedida said...
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Aarthi and Suresh said...

hehe ... gud thgt .. n gud names for the fish n the elephant .. :-)

as u like it said...

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down" - Oprah Winfrey. One must learn to not wait for 'someone' and motivate the self to achieve great heights in life! Good selection of topic Nick. Shows your contructive mind :-)

Unknown said...

When the hell did u start reading books and how the hell did u all of a sudden get so intellectually sound??? 'Enzo' eh..... Keep it up dude. As Chris does the vommit to u 'Buah'!!!!